I want to script teleportation handcuffs (once clicked on a player it will teleport them to a certain place) but I'm not sure how altogether.
Can you be more specific, what do you mean by "handcuffs"? do you want the player to click on the item in order for them to be teleported to another place or do you want the player to click on a button in order to get teleported?. Do you also want these "handcuffs" item to teleport with the plaeyer as well?blueboy9078074— 8y
If it is the handcuffs like in prison life that is fairly easy. Just make it check when you click on the player if: It has a humanoid, if it is on a particular team, and what ever certain factors you want in place. Then just put in invisible block in the area you want. When you click they teleport to that block. Fairly simple.yougottols1420— 8y
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