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Police AI? [closed]

Asked by 11 years ago

Hi, I'm learning LUA currently, and I was wondering if it would be possible to create an AI that shoots, and moves around. My idea would be to have a preset path for it to take.

Example: Lets say someone is inside a house, taking cover in the bathroom from the police. The police spawn in, and they stay in their position behind the police cars. If no humanoid comes into sight in 15 seconds the police move up the path a little bit, onto the porch Once again no humanoid appears for 15 seconds, they then continue to repeat this process searching the whole house until they find the target. Would this work?

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3 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

It is possible to do this, although you shouldn't have asked it all as one question. You should've broken it down into steps.

In order to make this AI, you would have to know the basics of pathfinding, CFraming and a few other simple concepts to learn. If you need help with any problems that you run into, please ask another question. Thank you.

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Answered by 11 years ago

This is completely possible, and you could do this by using pathfinding. This and this should help, as I'm not sure which one is the main one to use off the top of my head.

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Answered by 10 years ago

This is possible, with Proper scripting knowledge, you need a cframinng,Path finding and weaponry element . in order to combined them all you would need 1 main script that tracks a players movements in order to "fallow him" but it would simply be following his movements, with that said that will be two of the items you requested, and as of weaponry you will need to combined said "Firing" script into the main script that is allowing you ai to track the players movements