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How can I make a better world generation script? [closed]

Asked by 7 years ago
local blockData = require(script.BlockData)

local maxWorldHeight = 25
local mapSizeInChunks = 8
local chunkSizeInBlocks = 5
local blockSize = 4

warn("Total Possible Blocks: "..((mapSizeInChunks*mapSizeInChunks)*(chunkSizeInBlocks*chunkSizeInBlocks)*maxWorldHeight))

function deriveBlockPos(chunkX, chunkZ, bY, bX, bZ)
    local nX, nY, nZ

    nX = bX*blockSize+(chunkX*(chunkSizeInBlocks*blockSize))
    nY = bY*blockSize
    nZ = bZ*blockSize+(chunkZ*(chunkSizeInBlocks*blockSize))

    --print(nX, nY, nZ)
    return, nY, nZ)

for chunkX = -mapSizeInChunks/2, mapSizeInChunks/2-1, 1 do
    for chunkZ = -mapSizeInChunks/2, mapSizeInChunks/2-1, 1 do
        for bY = 0, maxWorldHeight do
            for bX = 0, chunkSizeInBlocks do
                for bZ = 0, chunkSizeInBlocks do
                    local newBlock
                    if bY == 0 then newBlock = blockData:GetBlockFromServer("Stone"):Clone() end
                    if bY ~= 0 then newBlock = blockData:GetBlockFromServer("Dirt"):Clone() end
                    if bY == maxWorldHeight then newBlock = blockData:GetBlockFromServer("Grass"):Clone() end
                    newBlock.Position = deriveBlockPos(chunkX, chunkZ, bY, bX, bZ)
                    newBlock.Parent = game.Workspace.WorldHolder

I want to be able to generate mountains, rivers, caves, etc... How would I go about that, while also keeping it to a fairly quick rate? Right now it's 80-82 seconds to complete.

Closed as Not Constructive by User#11440 and ImageLabel

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

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