1 | game.Players.Name = "NinjoOnline" |
This dosent work. How can I make a script check to see someones name.
Hey. This method here relies on knowing what you're checking for, so yeah.
1 | if object.Name = = "Playername" then --This does the checking part. Note that |
2 | --you need to know |
3 | --what you're searching for, in which |
4 | --case you already know |
5 | --the player's name. |
6 | --Put your goodies in here. |
7 | end --This just ends the if statement. :P |
I hope you enjoy!
Its not gona be one line so. if you wana check i recommend if. if your doing commands, this goes inside
1 | if speaker.name = "NinjoOnline" |
2 | --TO-DO put code here |
3 | else |
4 | msg = Instance.new( "Message" , game.Workspace) |
5 | msg.Text = "Sorry " +speaker.name+ " You are not a admin" |
6 | msg.Parent = game.Workspace |
7 | wait( 5 ) |
8 | msg:remove() |
9 | end |
this code is inside the command, speaker.name is a nice variable that you dont need to create, hope you enjoy your commands!
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