I understand this works with both humanoids and parts/models, but I haven't been able to understand the concept. No matter what I try the code never works and most of the time I don't even get an error for it. Does MoveTo even work anymore? If so, can someone give me a short code example that I can try out. Thank you.
The most common :MoveTo() method is for use on models. They move an entire model to a new position.
Workspace.Model:MoveTo( Vector3.new(0,0,0) )
The second is for living Humanoids. It will make them walk to a new point. It also requires a part, but this is usually given as the base and deemed unnecessary in new work. Try finding a free-model NPC that doesn't do anything (I have one in my models called New Make NPC you can use). Then test the MoveTo method on it.
Workspace['NPC Name'].Humanoid:MoveTo( Vector3.new(0,0,0), Workspace.Baseplate )
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