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Merely's GUI Rap [closed]

Asked by 11 years ago

I know how this works,but I don't want to copy his style I'm trying to figure out how to make it I'm just a bit confused some feedback,or help would be greatly appreciated

Locked by JesseSong

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2 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

Hello, Merely uses an external program for obtaining RAP and limited ID's, he has the program write info to a model which is loaded into the game. Not sure if you couldn't use Model to script plugin

Ah okay, I probably could make a similar program. Thanks for the answer though. LuigiGiannella 10 — 11y
You Welcome, I am glad to help you out! XxPhantom69xX 25 — 11y
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Answered by
foxy83 15
11 years ago

Hello. Merely has an HTTP source which updates frequently. Meaning every minute. You could learn HTTP if you want.