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How do I give someone a model when he bought the gamepass of it? [closed]

Asked by
Dion68 0
8 years ago

I am pretty bad at scripting, so I was wondering if anyone could help me with this, I need something that will give the player the Item he bought. But instead of a gear, a tool. And I already made the tool. But I just want to know how do I give it to the player that bought it? ( And he also needs to keep it when he dies. )

Bit broad. User#11440 120 — 8y

Closed as Too Broad by 0xDEADC0DE, minikitkat, and BlueTaslem

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

Why was this question closed?

1 answer

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Answered by
Benqazx 108
8 years ago

You do know that this isnt a Request site. if you made a script add it to your question so we can look at it and tell you what is wrong with it.
