Hello ROBLOXians! I am Jacobsmith545 creator of Section 6 Airsoft. My goal on ROBLOX is to help the airsoft industry evolve. Many attempts have already been made in the past, unfortunately, every attempt has in some way failed. I need a scripter who is willing to help me with this project, also they must have some sort of understanding of basic military terms and airsoft. Please, contact me if you would like to help me with this project.
(P.S., I am currently in desperate need for a realistic crouch and prone 'prone meaning the character's full body is on the ground.')
Thank you very much for taking time to read this!
Just no. Don't request to join in projects, that is ScriptingHelpers not CanIHaveSomeoneForMyPlace?
Closed as off-topic by Sublimus, Thewsomeguy, TheGuyWithAShortName, and evaera
This question has been closed by our community as being off-topic from ROBLOX Lua Scripting.
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