Heya Guys! I have noticed in games in such when a Surface Gui/Brick Changes color it does it smoothly, what aspect in scripting is that?
You can do all sorts of things. I'll give you some code I used recently to make a TextButton's BackgroundColor change from black to white:
local data = script.Parent local reset = false local r = 0 local g = 0 local b = 0 while true do wait(.005) if reset == false then r,g,b = r + 5,g + 5,b + 5 data.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(r/255,g/255,b/255) end if r == 255 then reset = true end if reset == true then r,g,b = r - 5,g - 5,b - 5 data.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(r/255,g/255,b/255) end if r == 0 then reset = false end end
This goes in a script inside the gui object.
Comment if you need help :P
Well you can try all different types of function for that like, -while true do -for i -etc.. Try looking on the ROBLOX Wiki up vote and accept if this helped.
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