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Can Somone Tell Me Why This Does Not Work? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

Please make your question title relevant to your question content. It should be a one-sentence summary in question form.

while true do wait (0.1) prefix = "!"

if message:sub(1,3) == prefix.."m " and player:GetRankInGroup(2679030) >= 9 then print "Hello world I sent a message" then game.StarterGui.Announce.Visible= true then game.StarterGui.Announce.Frame.MSG.Text= "(message:sub)" then game.StarterGui.Announce.Frame.Type= "Message" game.StarterGui.Announce.Frame.By= ("player.Name)" elseif if message:sub(1,3) == prefix.."sm " and player:GetRankInGroup(2679030) >= 9 then print "Hello world I sent a message" then game.StarterGui.Announce.Visible= true game.StarterGui.Announce.Frame.MSG.Text= "(message:sub)" then game.StarterGui.Announce.Frame.Type.Text= "System Message" then game.StarterGui.Announce.Frame.By= "System" end end

Put it into a code block please. And read the errors in the output. TheDeadlyPanther 2460 — 9y

Closed as Not Constructive by 1waffle1, TheDeadlyPanther, and Shawnyg

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

Why was this question closed?

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

You've done almost everything wrong. I will re-write your script with some explanations:

local prefix = "!"

function playerMsg(plr,mesg,sm) -- sets function, plr being the sender, mesg being the message, and sm being whether it's a system message
    local players = game.Players:GetChildren() -- gets all the players
    for _,v in pairs (players) do -- does the following for every player
            local find = v.StarterGui:FindFirstChild("GUI_NAME") -- finds the gui
            if find then --  if the gui exists
                if sm == false then
                    find.Announce.Frame.MSG.Text = mesg -- changes the text
                    find.Announce.Frame.Type.Text  = "Message" -- changes the type
                    find.Announce.Frame.By.Text = plr.Name -- sets the text to sender's name
                elseif sm == true then
                    find.Announce.Frame.MSG.Text = mesg
                    find.Announce.Frame.Type.Text  = "System Message"
                    find.Announce.Frame.By.Text = "System Message"

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(unction(p) -- when a player joins
    p.Chatted:connect(function(msg,recipient) -- when a player talks, msg is the text, and recipient is whoever the msg is whispered to (nil if not a whisper)
        if msg:sub(1,prefix:len()+3) == prefix.. "m " and p:GetRankInGroup(2679030) >= 9 then -- checks to see if the first part is the prefix and 'm'
            print(p.Name.. " sent a message!") -- prints
            playerMsg(p,msg:sub(prefix:len() + 3),false) -- calls function
        elseif msg:sub(1,prefix:len()+4) == prefix.. "sm " and p:GetRankInGroup(2679030) >= 9 then -- you only need one 'then'
            playerMsg(p,msg:sub(prefix:len() + 4),true)