as i wanted to create a model,that will need a speed controller . i need a speed controller button to control speed level(with multi button for more choosable speed).
1 | HowFast = 10 |
2 |
3 | script.Parent.Velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector *HowFast |
change 'HowFast' value to how fast it will go
I know very little about scripting, but try to find in the script a number that indicates the item's speed. Just like in a minimap script, where you change the number to make your model bigger or smaller.
That should help you if you have some sort of scripting skills. Try searching throught some models and see how things work, maybe you will find a script already made and ready to use.
You can change the speed of a conveyer by chaging the velocity:
1 | Game.Workspace.Part.Velocity = ( 10 , 0 , 0 ) |
You could do it like that, but i think your trying to say that you want a button that changes the speed. Try looking on some other people's and you'll see how you can make them!
Well you can usually control the speed of the conveyor belt using a configure tool, But you want a button / dimmer switch that changes the speed.
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