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How do I make a Miners Haven leaderboard? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

So I was making a leaderboard the other day, and I wanted to add letters to it, like in Miner's Haven. I tried 3 different times:

if cash.Value == 1000 then cash.Value = "1k" end

if == 1000 then player.Cash.Value = "1k" end

if >= 1000 then = "1k"

Could someone help me figure this out? Thanks.

Closed as Not Constructive by LetThereBeCode, Azmidium, ChemicalHex, General_Scripter, and Perci1

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1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

You're probably trying to change an IntValue's value to string which will return an error. What you need to do is create a StringValue and make the other cash value off the leaderboard (not in leaderstats). When comparing you will need a code like this:

while wait() do -- Start a loop to keep it updating
    if numberCash.Value >= 1000000 then -- Check if the IntValue is more than 1000000
        stringCash.Value = string.sub(tostring(numberCash.Value),1,1).."M" -- Get the first number and put M after it.
    if numberCash.Value >= 100000 then -- Check if the IntValue is more than 100000
        stringCash.Value = string.sub(tostring(numberCash.Value),1,3).."K" -- Get the first three numbers and put K after it.
    if numberCash.Value >= 10000 then -- Check if the IntValue is more than 10000
        stringCash.Value = string.sub(tostring(numberCash.Value),1,2).."K" -- Get the first two numbers and put K after it.
    if numberCash.Value >= 1000 then -- Check if the IntValue is more than 1000
        stringCash.Value = string.sub(tostring(numberCash.Value),1,1).."K" -- Get the first number and put K after it.

NOTE: The script I gave you will only work with numbers up to 1 million. You will have to add more to make it work with bigger numbers.

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