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Custom Admin Commands? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

Hello, Ok so i would like to make a custom admin command Script for my school. I want it to be set that you get admin if in the group but at a rank and a Rank tp to the rooms but the spot that you tp to changes depending on what class you should be in. I wan to be able to kick and ban and give tools. I just want a custom admin command that has useful things for a roleplay group in a way. Any advice or templates to go from? Thank You!

This is not a request site. You must post a code that you need help with. We don't just give you an entirely new script. minikitkat 687 — 9y
How long does it to take you to log in with that long of a username? grasheeno 70 — 9y
I did ask for help i said a template that doesn't mean that i wanted a complete made on for me thank you. I changed my name on Roblox so its fast. ken12345678900000000 0 — 9y

Closed as Not Constructive by YellowoTide, minikitkat, ChemicalHex, and M39a9am3R

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

Why was this question closed?

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Open Source Admin

script from this link ^

002Project: AdminC Framework[Open Source]
003Lead Developer: devSeldom
004Contributers: PreyStar, LegitimatlyMe
005Awesome people: ScriptGuider, duckyo01 (But mostely ScriptGuider)
006Special thanks to: ScriptGuider for being awesome
007Progresion: 80% needs more commands adding types of Groups and acronymns
010AdminC Framework is an open source administrative framework which impowers users to create administrator rights
011efficiently and effortlessly.
013Distributed by devSeldom and affilitates
View all 202 lines...
requires intermediate amount of scripting to know how to use it though. User#5978 25 — 9y
dont opensource your admin like that bb HungryJaffer 1246 — 9y