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What is a good first game to script for a beginner/ intermediate scripter? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

Im a intermediate/beginner scripter and I dont know what would be a good first game to make to use all the skills I know

Closed as Too Broad by adark

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2 answers

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Answered by
Kenet1c 15
9 years ago

How about a game where you have so many tries to complete an obby?

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Answered by 9 years ago

assuming that intermediate means you know how to do timers and events/functions so

make a game that puts the player in a building and they have to type in a code on a door and behind the door is a bomb that they have to diffuse and if the timer runs out then the map explodes

(you could make this really advanced but it also could be really simple just to see if it works)