I heard about this thing called a "IntValue" and, could someone tell me what it does?
IntValue short for Integer Value is used for numbers only.
local IntValue = 1234567890
(I know this question is over a year old at this point, but I'd like to add a better description to the previous answer so that the newer developers can have a greater understanding of IntValues!)
An IntValue or an IntergerValue
is a data-type that confines a 64-bit integer. IntValues/IntegerValues can incarcerate any type of number except decimals and strings.
A sample would be this: 9858943
(of course this can be any number. This number is for demonstrational purposes).
But not this:
[Because Intvalues cannot hold decimals, a NumberValue would be suitable for this case.]
Intvalues are useful for properties/objects that can input numbers alongside a datatype.
A strong example would be items that are notional like Leaderstats, voting system, plotting- system and more.
[If I am missing something please comment.]
(This is off-topic to your question, but you can use a NumberValue if you want to dispatch decimal datatype).
NumberValues are essentially IntValues. The only difference is that NumberValues can only hold decimals, whereas IntValues CANNOT!
This is just a brief explanation of NumberValues. You can use the developer hub for a greater understanding of NumberValues/IntValues.
Thanks, JesseSong!
Refined a minor grammatical error. Date: February 19, 2021
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