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why i cant use toolbox scripts? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

when i insert a script from toolbox and open it i always see: print 'Hello world!'

Closed as off-topic by BlueTaslem

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1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Congratulations! You have just entered a blank script into your game. All new scripts that you put in your game will have a default "print("Hello world!")" in them. This in itself does nothing but prints hello world into the output, the rest of the code you will have to make yourself.

There's a glitch where you import free model scripts into your game that don't load the code, so it just has that default "print 'Hello world!'" thing there. funyun 958 — 9y
Welp, using free model scripts are risky in itself so, just another reason not to use them. BobserLuck 367 — 9y
Not if you have the game paused so they don't run. funyun 958 — 9y
That's true. BobserLuck 367 — 9y