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How do you equip an Item When you click it? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

Like if you made a Cupcake. How does people grab it when they click it? Is there a Script? Please help me.

We do not take requests. You're new, you cannot post a question and just expect a script to magically appear. EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 9y

Closed as Not Constructive by EzraNehemiah_TF2, HungryJaffer, and YellowoTide

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

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1 answer

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Answered by
KenzaXI 166
9 years ago

I'll Explain it whilst building it up, create a Tool and then Create a part for your cake then inset the part into tool using basic objects insert a clickdetector into the cake. ok now insert a script into the cake and lets begin coding ok first you you need to declare a local so local cake = And put where the Cake's Tool is located e.g if it's in the workspace and the part's name is cake then it would be local cake = game.Workspace.Tool.cake get it? ok now then we need to connect a function when the cake is clicked, so we'll use a anonymous function, Which is the same as a normal function but it's faster to type. so cake.MouseDetector.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(clicker) end) but we'll also need to define a player so use the best method: local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer But it might take soem time to load the player so lets add repeat wait() until Player so the script starts when player is there Ok then now we write our code, so since I've doen you the basics lets look at the script:

local cake = game.Workspace.Tool.cake
local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer
repeat wait() until Player
if Player then -- double check to make sure Player exists
local cakeclone  =  cake:Clone() -- Clone the cake
cakeclone.Parent = Player.Backpack -- where the clone goes
end -- end our if statement
end) end our function

if you're used to function onClick() then you may be wondering if the function we used is somehow different? It's not exactly, Because the only difference is we already connect the function to our trigger whilst defining our function. and That's all. If it worked be sure to mark as answered if not post a comment below and I'll fix it.
