What is wrong with this script [HELP?] [closed]
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while true do
--if script.Parent == "PlayerGui" then
plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
char = plr.Character
--hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
CreateAClass = plr:WaitForChild("CreateAClass")
rehum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
health = rehum.Health
if health >= 0 then
local Lethals = CreateAClass:FindFirstChild("Lethals")
local Tacticals = CreateAClass:FindFirstChild("Tacticals")
if Lethals then
Lethals.Value = 2
if Tacticals then
Tacticals.Value = 2
Can you fix this script please, not sure whats wrong with it.
Closed as Too Broad by Goulstem and YellowoTide
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