Okay so I have tried to make an ATM and withdraw / deposit GUI, it hasn't worked so now I'm trying to make a GUI where you can store money. It has to be different for everyone so if someone else uses the GUI they can't steal another player's money. It has to be a GUI where you type in an amount you have on your character, if that player does have the value of money then they can deposit it for later. And then if they want to take $20 out they can type $20 into withdraw. Please help I have tried many many times to try and make these.
You could use a ModuleScript, or just IntValues.
IntValues would be easier:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Instance.new("IntValue", Player).Name = "Deposit" end)
Whenever you want to check how much is deposited:
Closed as Not Constructive by yumtaste, woodengop, and Goulstem
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