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I am trying to make a Moon revolve around a planet. How do i do that? [closed]

Asked by 11 years ago

How do i do that? I've tried looking into a couple of scripts, But... They don't work do i need a follow script etc. Can anyone help? Thanks. Heres the link the the moon>

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1 answer

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Answered by
duckwit 1404 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

All that is required here is some geometrical description of the movement of the moon, and an update loop/coroutine to process it.

You could describe the orbit of a planet around another, particularly in computer simulation, in various ways depending on what you intend to do with it.

I doubt you'll want to simulate the actual gravitational relationship of bodily orbits, but rather just the approximate circular movement of your moon around a planet.

So what you'll need in the script is: -A reference to to the center of rotation, the three dimensional coordinate that you want the want the moon to rotate around

-A reference to the moon object (a Part)

-A vector (Vector3 in Roblox) describing the direction of the axis about which the moon rotates: For example, if you want the moon to rotate around the planet horizontally, you need to rotate around the y-axis, which is (0,1,0) in vector form.

-The radius of orbit, i.e. how far away you want the moon to be from the planet

The following script will work if:

A) There is a Part called Orbit in the Workspace

B) There is a Part called Center in the Workspace

center = workspace.Center.Position --Coordinate Reference

body = workspace.Body --Reference to the 'moon'

axis =,1,0.5) --Change these numbers to change axis of rotation

radius = (body.Position - center).Magnitude --Calculates distance based on where you leave the moon in the workspace

space =,center+axis) --This is a CFrame for the coordinate space we've made

--Variables to keep track of speed and time
delta = tick()
timer = 0
multiplier = 1 --If you want it to go twice as fast, use 2, or half as fast, use 0.5, etc...

--A function to update the position of the moon
    --Triggers every ?1/60th of a second
    delta = tick() - delta
    timer = timer + delta

    body.Position = space:toWorldSpace(*math.cos(timer*multiplier),radius*math.sin(timer*multiplier),0)).p

    delta = tick()

Hope that helps!

Hmmmm... Dind't seem to work. hidingsniper 0 — 11y