I want to know how to script and CFrame a gun similar to WIJ's/RAT's/FEARS's/TRA's guns (Some of their guns are different from each others so mostly WIJ's or TRA's will do),I don't want to use their free models because I intend to overcome the challenge without copying from models or sets.
I want a futuristic sort of gun similar the the groups listed above guns,ones that shoot lasers and this is optional but would really help if you told me how to make a cooldown script.
There's a wiki.roblox.com article on this here http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=How_to_Make_a_Raycasting_Lasergun I'm not sure how in-date it is and/or if it works but it goes over the basics and explains it relatively well albeit could be better.
Closed as Not Constructive by evaera
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