I have tried to make a onChatted script however, I keep on failing. Please help me.
Hi XMessi10,
I understand, I also had difficulty understanding how to do onChatted scripts before, so I made a simple onChatted script for you. Here ya are:
1 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function (player) |
2 | player.Chatted:connect( function (msg) |
3 | if (msg = = "" ) then |
4 | -- do something |
5 | end |
6 | end ) |
7 | end ) |
Hope this helps! - war8989
Use the player.Chatted event. For example :
1 | game.Players.Player.Chatted:connect( function (Message) |
2 | print ( "game.Players.Player has said : " ..Message) |
3 | end ) |
If you're looking for some more example codes, the wiki has a whole article about chat commands : http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Chat_commands
I noticed that the tag was "LocalScripts", and these scripts must be global if you use .PlayerAdded (Pretty sure)
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