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Countdwon Clock Surface GUI? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago
1for i = 5*60, 0, -1 do --Here is our four loop; This will begin it's time of 5*60, 5 minutes, or 250 seconds, will count down from -1, or down from 1, until identifier 'i' reaches 0; This will loop until 'i' reaches 0
22   print("Countdown:",i) --This will print into the Output; For each time 'i' goes down from '250', it will print the number into the Output; 'Countdown: 250', 'Countdown: 249', 'Countdown: 248', ect
33   wait(1) --This will wait 1 second before running the code again
44   end --This ends the code block for the 'for' loop

I have this, how do I make it apear on a Surface GUI?

Closed as Not Constructive by TheeDeathCaster and adark

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

Why was this question closed?

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago
1local TimeBoard = game.Workspace["Time"].Timer.Frame.TextLabel
2for i = 5*60, 0, -1 do
3    TimeBoard.Text = "Countdown:" .. i
4    print("Countdown:",i)
5    wait(1)
6    end
0 Full model if you can't figure out that script. harvest109 0 — 10y