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How can I have a throwable knife but... ? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

I have a throwable knife in my game. But, when you click and hold, it starts to move up. I want it to stay up (Like Twisted Murder) until the player releases the left click button. When the player releases the knife will throw.

Here is the knife script:

--------------------- TEMPLATE BLADE WEAPON --------------------------- -- Waits for the child of the specified parent local function WaitForChild(parent, childName) while not parent:FindFirstChild(childName) do parent.ChildAdded:wait() end return parent[childName] end

local SLASH_DAMAGE = 100 local DOWNSTAB_DAMAGE = 100 local THROWING_DAMAGE = 100 local HOLD_TO_THROW_TIME = 0.35

local Damage = 100

local MyHumanoid = nil local MyTorso = nil local MyCharacter = nil local MyPlayer = nil

local Tool = script.Parent local Handle = WaitForChild(Tool, 'Handle')

local BlowConnection local Button1DownConnection local Button1UpConnection

local PlayStabPunch local PlayDownStab local PlayThrow local PlayThrowCharge

local IconUrl = Tool.TextureId -- URL to the weapon knife icon asset

local DebrisService = game:GetService('Debris') local PlayersService = game:GetService('Players')

local SlashSound

local HitPlayers = {}

local LeftButtonDownTime = nil

local Attacking = false

function Blow(hit) if Attacking then BlowDamage(hit, Damage) end end

function BlowDamage(hit, damage) local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') local player = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if humanoid ~= nil and MyHumanoid ~= nil and humanoid ~= MyHumanoid then if not MyPlayer.Neutral then
-- Ignore teammates hit if player and player ~= MyPlayer and player.TeamColor == MyPlayer.TeamColor then return end end -- final check, make sure weapon is in-hand local rightArm = MyCharacter:FindFirstChild('Right Arm') if (rightArm ~= nil) then -- Check if the weld exists between the hand and the weapon local joint = rightArm:FindFirstChild('RightGrip') if (joint ~= nil and (joint.Part0 == Handle or joint.Part1 == Handle)) then -- Make sure you only hit them once per swing TagHumanoid(humanoid, MyPlayer) print("Sending " .. damage)

                local checksound = humanoid.Parent:findFirstChild("Sound")
                if checksound == nil then
                local givesound = script.Parent.Sound:clone()
                givesound.Parent = humanoid.Parent
                givesound.Disabled = false
                local givesound = script.Parent.Sound:clone()
                givesound.Parent = humanoid.Parent
                givesound.Disabled = false
                if humanoid.Health == math.huge or humanoid.MaxHealth == math.huge then


function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) -- Add more tags here to customize what tags are available. while humanoid:FindFirstChild('creator') do humanoid:FindFirstChild('creator'):Destroy() end

local creatorTag ='ObjectValue')
creatorTag.Value = player
creatorTag.Name = 'creator'
creatorTag.Parent = humanoid
DebrisService:AddItem(creatorTag, 1.5)

local weaponIconTag ='StringValue')
weaponIconTag.Value = IconUrl
weaponIconTag.Name = 'icon'
weaponIconTag.Parent = creatorTag
DebrisService:AddItem(weaponIconTag, 1.5)


function HardAttack() Damage = SLASH_DAMAGE HitSound:play() if PlayStabPunch then PlayStabPunch.Value = true wait(1.0) PlayStabPunch.Value = false end end

function NormalAttack() Damage = DOWNSTAB_DAMAGE KnifeDown() HitSound:play() if PlayDownStab then PlayDownStab.Value = true wait(1.0) PlayDownStab.Value = false end KnifeUp() end

function ThrowAttack() KnifeOut() if PlayThrow then PlayThrow.Value = true wait() if not Handle then return end local throwingHandle = Handle:Clone() DebrisService:AddItem(throwingHandle, 5) throwingHandle.Parent = game.Workspace if MyCharacter and MyHumanoid then throwingHandle.Velocity = (MyHumanoid.TargetPoint - throwingHandle.CFrame.p).unit * 100 -- set the orientation to the direction it is being thrown in throwingHandle.CFrame =, throwingHandle.CFrame.p + throwingHandle.Velocity) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(-90)) local floatingForce ='BodyForce', throwingHandle) floatingForce.force =, 196.2 * throwingHandle:GetMass() * 0.98, 0) local spin ='BodyAngularVelocity', throwingHandle) spin.angularvelocity = throwingHandle.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(, -400, 0)) end Handle.Transparency = 1 -- Wait so that the knife has left the thrower's general area wait() if throwingHandle then local Throwevent = script.Parent.ThrowHandleHitWeld:Clone() Throwevent.Parent = throwingHandle Throwevent.Disabled = false local touchedConn = throwingHandle.Touched:connect(function(hit) print("hit throw") BlowDamage(hit, THROWING_DAMAGE) end) end -- must check if it still exists since we waited if throwingHandle then throwingHandle.CanCollide = true end wait(0.6) if Handle and PlayThrow then Handle.Transparency = 0 PlayThrow.Value = false end end KnifeUp() end

function KnifeUp() Tool.GripForward =,0,-1) Tool.GripRight =,0,0) Tool.GripUp =,1,0) end

function KnifeDown() Tool.GripForward =,0,-1) Tool.GripRight =,0,0) Tool.GripUp =,-1,0) end

function KnifeOut() Tool.GripForward =,0,-1) Tool.GripRight =,0,0) Tool.GripUp =,1,0) end

Tool.Enabled = true

function OnLeftButtonDown() LeftButtonDownTime = time() if PlayThrowCharge then PlayThrowCharge.Value = true end end

function OnLeftButtonUp() if not Tool.Enabled then return end -- Reset the list of hit players every time we start a new attack HitPlayers = {} if PlayThrowCharge then PlayThrowCharge.Value = false end if Tool.Enabled and MyHumanoid and MyHumanoid.Health > 0 then Tool.Enabled = false local currTime = time() if LeftButtonDownTime and currTime - LeftButtonDownTime > HOLD_TO_THROW_TIME and currTime - LeftButtonDownTime < 1.15 then ThrowAttack() else Attacking = true if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then HardAttack() else NormalAttack() end Attacking = false end Tool.Enabled = true end end

function OnEquipped(mouse) PlayStabPunch = WaitForChild(Tool, 'PlayStabPunch') PlayDownStab = WaitForChild(Tool, 'PlayDownStab') PlayThrow = WaitForChild(Tool, 'PlayThrow') PlayThrowCharge = WaitForChild(Tool, 'PlayThrowCharge') SlashSound = WaitForChild(Handle, 'Swoosh1') HitSound = WaitForChild(Handle, 'Ting') SlashSound:play() BlowConnection = Handle.Touched:connect(Blow) MyCharacter = Tool.Parent MyTorso = MyCharacter:FindFirstChild('Torso') MyHumanoid = MyCharacter:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') MyPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer if mouse then Button1DownConnection = mouse.Button1Down:connect(OnLeftButtonDown) Button1UpConnection = mouse.Button1Up:connect(OnLeftButtonUp) end KnifeUp() end

function OnUnequipped() -- Unequip logic here if BlowConnection then BlowConnection:disconnect() BlowConnection = nil end if Button1DownConnection then Button1DownConnection:disconnect() Button1DownConnection = nil end if Button1UpConnection then Button1UpConnection:disconnect() Button1UpConnection = nil end MyHumanoid = nil end

Tool.Equipped:connect(OnEquipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(OnUnequipped)

Please post your code so we can actually help you. adark 5487 — 9y
Show us what you have done so far and a part of the knife script. ultimate055 150 — 9y
Guessing it's Roblox's Knife in their CTF Template SpazzMan502 133 — 9y
There, I posted the script the knife is equipped with. hunkilicous12 2 — 9y

Closed as Not Constructive by Goulstem and adark

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

Why was this question closed?