Hello, im new with scripting in roblox and a have a small problem. I want this script to send the message to a specific team. But i don't now how to do it. Can somebody help me?
local mapDirectory = game.ServerStorage.Missies local msg = Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent = game.Lighting local minutes = 1 local time = script.Time while true do local maps = mapDirectory:getChildren() local pickedMap = maps[math.random(1, #maps)] local pickedMapClone = pickedMap:clone() wait(1) pickedMapClone.Parent = game.Workspace pickedMapClone:makeJoints() msg.Parent = game.Workspace wait(5) msg.Text = "New call: " ..pickedMapClone.Name.."." wait(10) msg.Text = "Call ended" msg.Parent = game.Lighting wait(time.Value) pickedMapClone:remove() end