If you noticed, typing /console in the chat opens up the developer console and the message "/console" doesn't shows up in the chat. How do I make a script to make my command not showing up in the chat? Any help would be appreciated. :smiley:
I fixed it now you just have to edit the script in messagesender
at line 15 you can change your script to something like this
function methods:SendMessage(message, toChannel) if message == "/hello" then print("okh") else self.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(message, toChannel) end end
Put this inside a LocalScript
local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local starterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") runService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() pcall(function() starterGui:SetCore("DevConsoleVisible", false) end) end
This LocalScript
will always close the developer console even if you press f9