Can someone break down this code for me so I know exactly what it does?
function teamFromColor(color) for _,teams in pairs(game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren()) do if teams.TeamColor == color then return teams end end return nil end function Spawned(player) local tools = teamFromColor(player.TeamColor):GetChildren() for _,tools in pairs(tools) do tools:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack end end function Adjusted(character,player) if character == "Character" then Spawned(player) end end function Joined(player) player.Changed:Connect(function(character) Adjusted(character, player) end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(Joined)
Essentially, what the script does is it gets the service of teams and all the children inside it. Then it checks to see if the teamcolor is equal to the color it wants (in other words, it checks the teamcolor with an if statement) and then returns the value (teams).
After that, the second function returns the first function in line 9. What I mean by this is that in line 9, where it says:
local tools = teamFromColor(player.TeamColor):GetChildren()
is the same function as in line 1. (or another word would be return)
Next, the 2 function gets all the people and clones all the tools, and places them in the character's backpack. The third function has an argument of character and player. The character argument checks to see if it's actually a character and then returns the items in the player's backpack.
And lastly, the last function functions when a player enters the game, because there is a PlayerAddedevent:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- functions when a player enters the game end)
Re - edited
function teamFromColor(color) -- just a simple function with a parameter of color for _,teams in pairs(game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren()) do -- this loops through the service and gets all the players if teams.TeamColor == color then return teams end --checks the players team end return nil -- returns nothing end function Spawned(player) -- another function local tools = teamFromColor(player.TeamColor):GetChildren() -- checks the teamcolor for _,tools in pairs(tools) do -- loops through the table tools:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack -- clones it and stores it in backpack end end function Adjusted(character,player) if character == "Character" then -- checks if its a character Spawned(player) -- calls the function end end function Joined(player) player.Changed:Connect(function(character) Adjusted(character, player) -- calls the function to run end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(Joined) -- functions when a player enters the game
This is pretty hard to explain, if you need me to break it down more, then ask.