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My aircraft doesn't work? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

I used a aircraft free model seat and it worked in Play Solo mode but it doesn't work in normal mode.

Please help!

This is the noobliest answer of the century. bobafett3544 198 — 10y

Closed as Too Broad by Spongocardo, BlackJPI, Discern, and M39a9am3R

This question has been closed because it is too broad and is generally unanswerable. Please ask a more specific question.

Why was this question closed?

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago

First, SH is designed to help you in fixing not-working scripts.

Second, we can help you if you added a not-working script in your question.

Finally, if the error doesn't relate to scripting, we can't help you.
