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Hello, I am wondering if this is an exploit or not? [closed]

Asked by 3 years ago

Hello, I am wondering if this is an exploit or is it done by ROBLOX, I have never seen an error 273 saying this.

(Sorry if you are mad that this is not about scripting.)

yes, you'll get hacked, roblox never asks for your password olther then when logging in on 0hsa 193 — 3y
It is not an exploit, however it is a scam; your password will be exported to an external endpoint. The error code 273 does exist, but does not appear in this form. There are some intuitive giveaways as well, such as: Your session is currently active, you do not need to log back in to reconnect or override. Client-prompts are always fitted with a secondary option of some sorts— Ziffixture 6913 — 3y
—UI design does not remain consistent with other similar Instances. Ziffixture 6913 — 3y
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No free models are in the game, we did have an exploiter at the time that happened. notmynameforreal1 -50 — 3y
maybe a backdoor sayer80 457 — 3y
it is a ack hcr2gammer 0 — 3y

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Answered by
Lakodex 711 Moderation Voter
3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

Yes, Roblox will never ask for your password.

You probably have a friend, or yourself, that inserted a free model that has a virus. Do NOT enter any details on any messages.

If you need some assistance removing the virus, use my Plugin, press Shift + V, and run a quick scan to find any bad scripts. You can find it Here.

If that still have not fixed the issue, try checking your plugins. I know some fake plugins will quickly insert a script, and delete it while uploading a game, making the script basically invisible to the Developer. Make sure all Plugins you own are not by basic character, or weird names like "PluginDeveloper" or "PluginsRUs". If you find any suspisous plugins please report them to Roblox.

should enable comments on your plugin it kind of makes it look sus valk_3D 140 — 3y
bots though FHGDev 25 — 3y
it can be u are hacked but try to reset your password first then try to login again and join a game try to join first your own game to test it luxkatana 61 — 3y