I recently created a script, and I need help combining the functions so they don't spam over, and over. I'd also like to know (If that's not the problem) What the error is to my script.
Here it is. On line 8 starts the functions:
Maps = {"Wobbly Bridge","Tower Of Magic"} Time_Per_Round = 60 HowLongMessageLasts = 5 HowLongVotingPeriodLasts = 15 MessageToBeStated = "Seconds Left: " Option = 1 COLOR = 1 function Op1() -- This is where the functions should be combined. m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "Map Selected: ".. MAP .."!" wait(3) m:Destroy() end function Op2() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "".. MAP .."____ was picked!" wait(3) m:Destroy() end function Op3() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "You will be playing on the ".. MAP .." map" wait(3) m:Destroy() end function Op4() m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "" wait(3) m:Destroy() end Players = game.Players:GetPlayers() Ls = game.Lighting:GetChildren() _G.MAPA = {"Wobbly Bridge"} _G.MAPB = {"Tower Of Magic"} _G.MAPC = {} _G.MAPD = {} _G.MAPE = {} _G.MAPF = {} _G.MAPG = {} _G.MAPH = {} _G.MAPI = {} _G.MAPJ = {} _G.MAPK = {} _G.MAPL = {} _G.MAPM = {} _G.MAPN = {} _G.MAPO = {} _G.MAPP = {} _G.MAPQ = {} _G.MAPR = {} _G.NothingCurrently = {} Lasting = HowLongVotingPeriodLasts while true do HowLongVotingPeriodLasts = Lasting if #Players > 1 then for o = 1,#Players do gui = game.Lighting.Vote:Clone() gui.Parent = Players[o].PlayerGui end repeat a = HowLongVotingPeriodLasts wait(1) m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) m.Text = "Voting Time: " a = a - 1 wait(1) until a == 0 m:Destroy() for i = 1,#Players do val = Players[i].Map.Value table.insert(_G[val], val) end mapn = math.max(#_G.MAPA, #_G.MAPB, #_G.MAPC, #_G.MAPD, #_G.MAPE, #_G.MAPF, #_G.MAPG, #_G.MAPH, #_G.MAPI, #_G.MAPJ, #_G.MAPK, #_G.MAPL, #_G.MAPM, #_G.MAPN, #_G.MAPO, #_G.MAPP, #_G.MAPQ, #_G.MAPR) if #_G.MAPA == mapn then for u = 1,#Ls do if Ls[u]:FindFirstChild("A") ~= nil then Pick = Ls[u] end end end Mapp = Pick:Clone() Mapp.Parent = Workspace MAP = Mapp.Name if Option == 1 then Op1() elseif Option == 2 then Op2() elseif Option == 3 then Op3() elseif Option == 4 then Op4() else print("Invalid option") end for y = 1,#Players do if COLOR == 1 then Players[y].TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Really red") COLOR = 2 elseif COLOR == 2 then Players[y].TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Really blue") COLOR = 1 end end end end
Closed as Not Constructive by evaera
This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.
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