I'm interested in making a game where you must use a voodoo doll of yourself to get past stages but I seriously do not know how to make a dummy look like the player.
-- Services local Players = game:GetService('Players') -- Gains access to the Players Service -- Variables local Dummy = workspace.Dummy -- This is the Dummy that we are going to replicate the Appearance to -- Appearance Loading local UserId = 157793271 -- The UserId of the player we want to mock this can be obtained through Player.UserId local AppearanceData = Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(UserId) -- This function Returns a Model with the Player's Appearance -- Since the entire outfit of the character is stored in a Model, we have to get the Children of the Model, and put it inside of the Dummy local Children = AppearanceData:GetChildren() for Index = 1, #Children do Children[Index].Parent = Dummy end
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