Greetings, I am King. I have decided to become a "Small" developer and I need the community's help. I will hire some scripters/builders to make a battle type game, I sadly cannot pay you, but if we make some revenue I will try to donate you Robux. Thank you, I will read every request..
Hey! I understand that you may be in need of developers, but this is not a developer hiring site. This is a scripting site! Places like the DevForum and discord servers are perfect for this, but scripting helpers is geared towards fixing problems.
Unfortunately, I'm going have to moderate your post. Although, I wish you luck in finding devs.
Thank you!
Well, just a suggestion. Don't hire someone if you know scripting. Just script is yourself and if you are stuck, get help. You'll get knowledge as well as some experience. And you'll enjoy it, you'll give up too. you'll curse scripting too. But I have to do what @Cynical_Innovation said.
Good Luck!
Closed as off-topic by Cynical_Innovation, BestCreativeBoy, WideSteal321, and Block_manvn
This question has been closed by our community as being off-topic from ROBLOX Lua Scripting.
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