Umm.. someone try this. Setup a gui with values and a text label? [closed]
-- Yeah, Gui randomizer time. -Krynp
-- something to hide dis
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Visible = false
Core Values
local Chance = game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Values.Chance
local Message1 = game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Values.Value1
local Message2 = game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Values.Value2
Finally, some real scripting lol
while true do
Chance.Value = math.random(1,2)
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Visible = true
if Chance == 1 then
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Message.Text = "Go try Kamalot_YT's games! There excellent."
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Visible = false
if Chance == 2 then
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Visible = true
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Message.Text = "I got lazy wit dis one."
game.StarterGui.TipGUI.Background.Visible = false
Closed as Not Constructive by Cynical_Innovation, User#834, User#30567, IAmNotTheReal_MePipe, and WideSteal321
This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.
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