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Torso not a valid member of Model? [closed]

Asked by 4 years ago

So I found an uncopylocked place on Roblox: Link -

Please have a look at it in Studio- This is related to my issue.

I was trying to use this game as a base for another game, so I tested this game out in Roblox Studio

Normally, I spawned in the game and I was looking at the output.

After 30 seconds, the map is picked. After the map is picked, the output says "Done"

A few seconds later it says "CHANGED X2" and "done agin" and after that it says "Not found" and Torso is not a valid member of model. So after looking at the code, I figured that it was not able to teleport me to the map. Can somebody help me fix me fix this error. Thank you!

You may be using R15, so use HumanoidRootPart. raid6n 2196 — 4y

Closed as Not Constructive by IAmNotTheReal_MePipe, raid6n, and botw_legend

This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.

Why was this question closed?

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

in the old r6 the torso was just called "torso" but in the r15 now it has uppertorso and lowertorso just torso is non-existant so it doesn't know what to do

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Answered by
Zero_Tsou 175
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Surely Because Your character is in R15, Try Switching to R6 ( Home > Game Settings > Avatar > R6 )

For More Info:

What is R15: R15 is an avatar body and animation rig in Roblox, which has more joints than R6 and is able to bend. The model is named after the number of body parts it has (15 parts) instead of 6 (R6)

What is R6: R6 is the default animation rig. R6 means "6 body parts" or "6 joints

IMPORTANT: Please Don't use Other people's Creations for your own gain, It's Against Roblox Rules And it will Get you temporarily Banned

Thank you!! Sriram2008 1 — 4y