My goal is to make a lightning effect in this tunnel here for my roller coaster but every lighting tutorial I've seen for RS involves some extra scripts.
I just need a basic script that will generate a lightning effect that spreads and branches away from this part. How would I achieve this?
No Offence dude, but this isn't a request script. Scripting helpers is to help with scripts, not request them. However because I'm nice, ill give you a tip. If you want to make spreading lightning, you may be better off looking at some of the spreading fire scripts, and adapting that script to your needs. However this requires some knowledge, if you aren't familiar with lua then its probably best you start from the beginning, search up 'AlvinBlox Roblox Scripting Beginner Series' or 'Dev King Roblox Coding Beginner Series` so you can make a start! Peace
Closed as Not Constructive by RubenKan
This question has been closed because it is not constructive to others or the asker. Most commonly, questions that are requests with no attempt from the asker to solve their problem will fall into this category.
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