Answered by
4 years ago Edited 4 years ago
What's happening?
if you know a bit about physics, the gravity (force) being pulled on the player is it's weight times the gravity
1 | return target.HumanoidRootPart:GetMass() * workspace.Gravity |
In this case the player thats holding the other player will experience the force two times as much as they normally would.
I know this is nothing to do with your code but this can be used in many ways from making a bodyforce and setting its force to that code above and the player would stay still you could also add a bit more force and make the player float!
How do you solve it?
In every object, meaning everything in the workspace has an property (boolean) called Mas-less, which determines if the selected object should have mass or not have mass. If you read my thing about why it happens you should set the HumanoidRootParts massless to false doing so;
01 | target.PrimaryPart:SetNetworkOwner(plr) |
02 | target.Parent = plr.Character |
04 | target:FindFirstChild( "Humanoid" ).PlatformStand = true |
06 | target:FindFirstChild( "HumanoidRootPart" ).CFrame = plr.Character:FindFirstChild( "HumanoidRootPart" ).CFrame * 0.5 , 2.8 , 0 ) * CFrame.Angles( 1.55 , math.rad( 0 ), math.rad( 90 )) |
08 | local HumanoidRootPart = target:FindFirstChild( "HumanoidRootPart" ) |
10 | local carryWeld = "WeldConstraint" , plr.Character) |
11 | carryWeld.Part 0 = plr.Character:FindFirstChild( "UpperTorso" ) |
13 | carryWeld.Part 1 = HumanoidRootPart |
16 | if HumanoidRootPart.Massless = = false then |
17 | HumanoidRootPart.Massless = = true |
And of course when the player gets put down set the massless to false again, otherwise it will trigger a lot of problems. I've tried these carry simulators before xD
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