So i Loved Making Anti Exploit, And Discovered Many things such us Undeletable LocalScript and Undesable LocalScript And i ran out of Idea!(Sorry if My Grammar Died Its Cuz im not American :( )
All I Added In My ANti Exploit: AntiFly AntiFling AntiSpammer AntiNoclip AntiRemoteSpy AntiDecompiler AntiFiringRemoteEventFalse AntiBtools AntiTeleport AntiGodMode AntiInfinityHealth AntiLevitate AntiWalkSpeed AntiJumpPower AntiInfinityHealth AntiInfinityJump AntiLagSwitch AntiBackdoor AntiScriptDumper AntiDelete AntiDisable
Make a Community that plays your game and they will say who is a cheater and who isn't that way wont need an anti-exploit. Also if people are lagging then don't ban them lol.
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