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Where Should I put the detection code ?? [closed]

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

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hi thanks i have a small problem i made a rating system for everyplayer end when the game is over i the player can rate foreexaple map and the number of rates the map gets it gets into the map here is the detection code.

for i,surface in pairs(surfacess) do
            local winnerscore={}
            local numberscore=max(winnerscore)
            if numberscore==surface.Score.Value then


bu where should i put it i have this code before the detection and this is fired for every player but i only want the detection code to be run once.

    -- gets ratings and puts ut into the map

and when i put it after this code the detection will run first because its waiting for a fireevents

Closed as Not Constructive by User#23252 and jediplocoon

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