I'm a new scripter and i want to master scripting so i can make my own games, I just don't know where to start?
Are there any good ways of learning how to script?
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUC3i1csDpG4Xqg8KBnraEQ -Peas Factory
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1R0TBvgM7gj0rwTYULmSA -AlvinBlox
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2smVWjNGuRzD6HVWmlWwQ -TheDevKing
AlvinBlox is very good at explaining.
PeasFactory videos are short and get to the point quickly
TheDevKing is also very good at explaining
TheDevKing and PeasFactory have a beginner to advanced scripting series. The DevKing and AlvinBlox have tutorials on small projects and games. AlvinBlox has a beginner scripting series and livestreams sometimes.
try starting off with script.parent variables and wait, for example:
part = script.parent part.transparency = 1 wait (1) part.transparency = 0
note: you need to have the script inside the part for this to work if not you would use game.workspace.part they do the same thing what this dose: it's telling the computer that when part gets typed it knows it means script.parent so then whenever there's a part the computer is filling in script.parent then script.parent changes properties at a certain time in the game so if you inserted it into a function you will learn later it can do it at a specific time so it should make the part invisible then the wait is telling the computer to wait however many seconds are in the brackets in this case 1 then it does the rest it then makes the part visible again you can touch it whenever the process is going to turn that off do part or script.parent.cancollide = false then when it's done so at the end of the code type part.CanCollide = true that makes the block basically disappear but it was not destroyed so you can type the last part after the end to make it normal
For beginning learning:
More thorough:
If you need to know something specific to Roblox, search here:
I personally started doing beggining stuff with Alvinblox, and doing more Advanced scripting with TheDevKing. Alvinblox personally for me goes into more detail than TheDevKing. Once again, Alvinblox is better for begginers. There's Peas Factory too, but I think it is outdated, as he's not uploaded a video since summer 2015.
I can link you some good resources for help.
okeanskiy - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCch5yE-sVvh4OPB0kOxsGVg Eppobot (Some videos might be outdated) -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxoIRFhLUUcm3r3dGxHAew
RoScripter - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJKKVwMJbjuUX36K16hMJQ
Developer Hub - https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/
Developer Fourm* - https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/
*It might say when you log in 'Oops! The Dev Forum is not available for you to log in, but there are public sections where you can read announcements and updates.' This is because the DevFourm restricts that you need to be 13 years (or older) to log into the DevForum. You can automatically log in when you turn 13, as it knows when, because it's made by Roblox.
Here's some good discord servers you can have (13+ only).
Hidden Developers - https://discord.gg/hd
Developer Spawn - https://discord.gg/xX54XQ
DevPro - https://discord.gg/cuc5vQ
Those are all my advice. I hope this helpes you in the future!
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