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Can I check if a player is online if they aren't in-game?

Asked by
Validark 1580 Snack Break Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I would like to have a gui in a place that can tell you which members of my group are online. I haven't been able to find any services to use yet so I can't work on the rest of the script.

Is there any way to check if a user is online on roblox? Some sort of function or service?

As far as I'm aware this is impossible without HTTP services, which I know nothing about. SquirreIOnToast 309 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

You have to use HTTPService, so make sure HttpEnabled for the HttpService is enabled, then you can use this code as a script in ServerScriptStorage to print the online status of player's IDs that you chat when you say "status/" then the ID.

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

        if msg:lower():sub(1,7) == "status/" then
            local id = tonumber(msg:sub(8)) --Get the ID after the "/" in "status/"
            if id ~= nil then --If the ID doesn't return nil after being converted to a number then continue.
                local status = http:GetAsync("" --Get online status of the player from the ID.
                local m ="Message", game.Workspace)
                m.Text = "Status of player ID "": "..tostring(status)

NOTE: This will print the entire status of the player, so if they're online, it tells you what the player is doing, same as how it appears on people's profiles.

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Answered by
Goulstem 8144 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
9 years ago

HTTP Service. This would require you to make your own website that reflected off of the information on roblox because of the rules of using HTTP Service - cannot perform on the Roblox website.

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