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How do i script bricks/unions like this? [Solved]

Asked by
manfai 2
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago <-- Video link

As example these pillars in the video

How do i script a brick like this? I am a beginners scripter i am sorry if i don't understand simple scripts. If someone can give me a sample script that would be awesome.

You don't script unions or bricks. youtubemasterWOW 2741 — 4y
But how did they do it? manfai 2 — 4y
What about instead of trying to do this just go ahead and learn how basic script works, to me it looks like bunch of size changes, transparency changes neon and pretty much thats all, maybe some light changes and thats all richboifexekappa 89 — 4y
I'm pretty sure they mess with the transparency to give it the glow effect? killerbrenden 1537 — 4y

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