I've tried basically everything, but nothing I find seems to work! If somebody knows how to do this, please tell me, it would really help me. The code I've tried but doesn't seem to work usually is something along the lines of this
local WebhookId = "" local WebhookToken = "" server = nil service = nil local Http = game:GetService("HttpService") local webHook = require(script.WebhookAPI) local Discord_Webhook = webHook.new(WebhookId,WebhookToken) local PlaceName = game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name return function() function LvlFromNum(p) local level = server.Admin.GetLevel(p) if level >= 4 then return 'Creator' elseif level >= 3 then return 'Owner' elseif level >= 2 then return 'Admin' elseif level >= 1 then return 'Mod' else return 'Player' end end service.Events.CommandRan:connect(function(p,msg,command,args,index,table,ran,error) if ran then local arg = "" if args and #args > 1 then for i,v in pairs(args) do arg = arg..","..v end else arg = args[1] end Discord_Webhook:post{ username = 'Command Logs', embeds = { { fields = { { name = 'Player', value = tostring(p.Name)..' | '..LvlFromNum(p) }, { name = 'Message', value = tostring(msg) }, { name = 'Command', value = tostring(command) }, { name = 'Arguments', value = tostring(arg) } }, color = 16518199, footer = { text = tostring(PlaceName)..' | '..tostring(service.GetTime()) } } } } end end) end
And the Webhook API Script is
local webHook = {} webHook.__index = webHook local Http = game:GetService("HttpService") function webHook.new(id,key) local mt = setmetatable({id=id,key=key}, webHook) return mt end function webHook:post(config,host) local data = nil local success = pcall(function() data = Http:JSONEncode(config) end) if not success then warn("Conversion error, please re-check your data.") return end Http:PostAsync("https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/"..self.id.."/"..self.key,data) end return webHook
Please help if you can, thank you!
I don't think you can actually sent it to a server via a webhook unless you set up a special bot connected with Adonis. I know you can log commands via Trello, so go into the Settings script until you find the set-up prompt for Trello services (also includes setup instructions). Hope this helps!