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Multiplayer Instances

Asked by 10 years ago

I need multiplayer testing, involving leaderboards and Data Persistence specifically. I tried doing it in studio but it doesn't work. Also tried using the setPlaceId method but it's protected.

Is there a way where I can do it myself and do it online (as in an actual live server)?

Are you not able to test on a uploaded place? DataPersistance isn't possible on local testing, but DataStore is, if you're referring to that. User#2 0 — 10y
Why don't you just get an error monitor and test your game online? You will be able to find exactly which lines error and things of that nature. TheGuyWithAShortName 673 — 10y
The tests I need depend on having multiple players in a server and I can't do that alone with an error monitor. freaked 0 — 10y

1 answer

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Answered by
trogyssy 221 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Use an output gui to view the output, get friends to help with multiplayer.


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