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How to use Conditional Statements on Tables?

Asked by 5 years ago

I am trying to use a Conditional Statement on two tables. it checks if there contents are the same, here is a sample of my code:

1local Table1 = { }
2local Table2 = { }
3if Table1 ~= Table2 then
4print("The Content of both Tables is different")

However, the game keeps thinking the two Tables contents are different, is there anyway i can fix this, thanks

If you do print(Table1) and print(Table2) it won't print the same in the output. Spjureeedd 385 — 5y
I can only think of a somewhat complicated loop to find out if your table's contents are the same. But I'm sure someone will give you a better answer Spjureeedd 385 — 5y
You are trying to print if the hexadecimal address is the same for the tables which isn't true you can create a nested loop though. greatneil80 2647 — 5y
Wow... 3 answers... this is sad greatneil80 2647 — 5y

3 answers

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago
01local table1 = {"Two", "Strings"}
02local table2 = {"Two", "Strings"}
04local match = false
05for i = 1, #table1 do
06    match = false
07    for ind, v in pairs(table2) do
08        if table1[i] == v then
09            match = true
10            break
11        end
12    end
13    if match == false then
14        print("Does not match")
15        break
16    end

On the 2 first lines we declare our tables. Then we make a variable equal to false. Then we make a loop that will run an equal amount of times as there are values in table1. In the beginning of the loop we once again set the value of our variable, match to false. Then we make a second loop inside of our first one that will run an equal amount of times as there are values in table2. That loop will check if there is any value in table2 that matches the current value of table1. If it does, it will set the value of match to true to announce that there was a match. But if there wasn't any value that matched. Our first loop will break and print that the tables do not contain the same values.

too long, try my code iuclds 720 — 5y
There is really nothing wrong with this. You can't downvote just because you think your code is better Spjureeedd 385 — 5y
what's wrrong with this answer? why do u just randomly down vote? User#23252 26 — 5y
bepis NightmaareTsukuyomi 78 — 5y
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pepsi Psudar 882 — 5y
Thanks for the help Lord_WitherAlt 206 — 5y
You're welcome Spjureeedd 385 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited by Ziffixture 5 years ago

well the thing is doing {} == {} will always be false.. the == operator checks to see if it's (table)operands are the same object, not wheather they have the same content..

so if i did, local a = {x = 10} and local b = {x = 10}, then print(a == b) will always print false..

however, if i did b = a then it print(a == b) will return true because the statement implies that a IS b..

to check whether or not 2 tables have the same content, you'd have to do something like the following.

1function isSame(tableA, tableB)
2    for index, value in pairs(tableB) do
3        if(tableA[index] == value) then
4            return true
5        end
6    end
7    return true

but this might not work if the table passed to pairs has less items than the other table, and the items that it has match some of the few that the other one has

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Answered by
iuclds 720 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
1local table1, table2 = {},{}
2for i,v in ipairs(table1) do
3    if table2[i] = table1[i] then
4        print(v..' matches in table2')
5    end

Its pretty basic. If table2 finds something in table1, it prints that value.

why do randomly downvote @Spjureeedd's answer? -_- User#23252 26 — 5y
I apreciate it Arsubia (but it was an answer) Spjureeedd 385 — 5y

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