a=game.Workspace.Holo.config b=a.RankId c=a.GroupId game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) if plr:GetRankInGroup(c.Value) >= b.Value then plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if string.lower(msg) == "sf" then game.Lighting.Thing:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace elseif string.lower(msg) == "close sf" then if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Thing") then game.Workspace.Thing:Remove() end end end) end end)
Says Workspace.Holo:5: attempt to index global 'player' (a nil value)' what am I doing wrong?This might be the last problem to my script
I've already answered this.
Your function gets a variable called plr
on line 4.
You then decide on line 5 to use a variable called player
that hasn't come from anywhere. Since the argument is named plr
, you have to use plr
when you are referring to it.
On line 6 you use yet another name (Player
-- names are case sensitive).
Use plr
everywhere since that's what you decided to call it in the parameter.
The same goes for chat
and msg
. You're using chat
but it doesn't come from anywhere! You decided to call it msg
, you have to stick with that.
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