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Why is the Tool Saving Script only saving the first item in the backpack and not the others?

Asked by
Soban06 410 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

So I am currently making an Obby. I have a shop GUI in which people can buy items if they have enough money. P.S: This is a YT tutorial. I have placed a script inside serverscriptservice which is as follows:

01local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("ToolSavee")
03 local key = "id-"..plr.userId
04 pcall(function()
05  local tools = ds:GetAsync(key)
06  if tools then
07   for i,v in pairs(tools) do
08    local tool = game.ServerStorage.Tools:FindFirstChild(v)
09    if tool then
10     tool:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
11     tool:Clone().Parent = plr:FindFirstChild("StarterGear")
12    end
13   end
14  end
15 end)
View all 26 lines...

But the problem is that this script is only saving the first item which the player buys e.g. If there are 2 items in the shop, and the player has enough money to buy both of them, so the first item he will buy will be stored in the backpack and if he buys the second item, the second item will be given to him.

But when the player rejoins the game, only the item he bought first will be saved not the other item.

What is wrong in this script?

Please do help.


2 answers

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Answered by
Tokyo7979 131
5 years ago

It is because you forgot to call i on your table insert when the player is leaving. So that results in the loop only saving one tool.


Try changing line 22 to what I showed above and tell me the results. Hopefully this helped you.

Thanks a lot! Soban06 410 — 5y
No problem. Tokyo7979 131 — 5y
Oh but I just figured out that if the player buys another item it is not saved even though the first 2 are saved. Any idea? Soban06 410 — 5y
If the tool is equipped it won't save. But if you want the tool to save even though it is equipped then try looking at @TheMinecraftSmart's answer. Tokyo7979 131 — 5y
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Answered by
Nckripted 580 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

Actually, if you were holding nothing this script would work. This is because when you are holding a tool, it is moved from your backpack to your character. Add this code inside PlayerRemoving:

01local char = player.Character
03if char then
04    local charParts = char:GetChildren()
05    for key,part in (charParts) do
06        if part.IsA("Tool") then
07            table.insert(toolsToSave,part)
08        end
09    end

Hope this helped!

Great! Soban06 410 — 5y
Do I just add it to my player removing event or should I delete my prevoius player removing event? Soban06 410 — 5y
Use your player removing event, just add the code I suggested. Nckripted 580 — 5y

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