Hello, I have made a script which is supposed to be enabling a Screen Gui when conditions are met, i am using a remote event and firing it to the client from my script located in server script service and it is being called on from a local script inside the player Gui. my script works perfectly fine in play mode but when i do test mode the remote event either stops being fired or stops being recieved, please help.
I have tried firing the remote event from the server script outside of any other code blocks and it still doesnt get picked up or / fired.
i have used quite afew print statements to find where the error is located (note i don't recieve any errors in the console).
below is the server script firing the client
for i = 450, 0, -1 do wait(1) print("bruh") roundTimer:FireAllClients(i) print(2345677) if i == 0 then intermissionDebounce = false end
here is the local script responsible for detecting the remote event being fired.
roundTimer.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(roundTime) print("pie") stormGui.Enabled = true local timeInSeconds = roundTime local minutes = math.floor(timeInSeconds / 60) local remainder = timeInSeconds % 60 stormTextLabel.Text = minutes .. ":" .. remainder if timeInSeconds == 0 then stormGui.Enabled = false print("bgr") menuInitiater:FireServer() end