Hello, i have made a terrain for my game and i'm currently using a plugin to save / load the terrain in manually but i don't know how to use the script to load in the terrain automatically / through a script. Their is some what of a set of instructions but its very broad and minimal and i don't understand it, help would be very much appreciated :)
-- Terrain Save & Load -- Crazyman32 -- January 17, 2015
How to use: - Keep this under ServerScriptService or ServerStorage - Use from a Script on the server (not LocalScript) Example: local terrainSaveLoad = require(game.ServerScriptService.TerrainSaveLoad) -- Save terrain: local savedTerrain = terrainSaveLoad:Save(includeWaterProperties) -- Saves water properties too if "includeWaterProperties" is 'true' -- Load terrain: terrainSaveLoad:Load(savedTerrain)
local TerrainSaveLoad = { Version = "1.0.3"; }
function TerrainSaveLoad:Save(includeWaterProperties)
local t = game.Workspace.Terrain -- Copy terrain: local tr = t:CopyRegion(t.MaxExtents) tr.Name = "SavedTerrain" tr.Parent = game.Workspace -- Save water properties: if (includeWaterProperties) then local waterProps = Instance.new("Configuration", tr) waterProps.Name = "WaterProperties" local function SaveProperty(class, name) local p = Instance.new(class, waterProps) p.Name = name xpcall(function() p.Value = t[name] end, function(err) print("Failed to get property: " .. tostring(err)) end) end SaveProperty("Color3Value", "WaterColor") SaveProperty("NumberValue", "WaterReflectance") SaveProperty("NumberValue", "WaterTransparency") SaveProperty("NumberValue", "WaterWaveSize") SaveProperty("NumberValue", "WaterWaveSpeed") end -- Set as selected: game:GetService("Selection"):Set({tr}) -- Return the TerrainRegion copy: return tr
function TerrainSaveLoad:Load(terrainRegion)
-- Ensure 'terrainRegion' is correct: assert(typeof(terrainRegion) == "Instance" and terrainRegion:IsA("TerrainRegion"), "Load method for TerrainSaveLoad API requires a TerrainRegion object as an argument" ) -- Find center position: local xPos = -math.floor(terrainRegion.SizeInCells.X * 0.5) local yPos = -math.floor(terrainRegion.SizeInCells.Y * 0.5) local zPos = -math.floor(terrainRegion.SizeInCells.Z * 0.5) local pos = Vector3int16.new(xPos, yPos, zPos) -- Load water properties: local waterProps = terrainRegion:FindFirstChild("WaterProperties") if (waterProps) then local function LoadProperty(name) local obj = waterProps:FindFirstChild(name) if (not obj) then return end xpcall(function() game.Workspace.Terrain[obj.Name] = obj.Value end, function(err) print("Failed to set property: " .. tostring(err)) end) end LoadProperty("WaterColor") LoadProperty("WaterReflectance") LoadProperty("WaterTransparency") LoadProperty("WaterWaveSize") LoadProperty("WaterWaveSpeed") end -- Load in the terrain: game.Workspace.Terrain:PasteRegion(terrainRegion, pos, true)
return TerrainSaveLoad
The script you provide above is a ModuleScript. If you don't know, ModuleScript is a type of script. ModuleScript can't run by itself, but is can be require by another script to use the function, data,... of the Module. For example:
ModuleScript(located in ReplicateStorage, named "ModuleScript"):
local MyModule = {} --we use table to store many function, value,... of the module function MyModule.PrintStuff() print("stuff") end -- this will add the function to the table return MyModule -- we need to return the table so we can use module
Script(located in WorkSpace):
local MyModule = require(game.ReplicateStorage.ModuleScript) -- require will get the module, so we can use it MyModule.PrintStuff() -- this will run the function of the module
Now, you know the basic of ModuleScript, you can use the "Save and Load Terrain" module. Here is the example of how to use it: Script:
local terrainSaveLoad = require(game.ServerScriptService.TerrainSaveLoad) -- require the module so we can use it local savedTerrain = terrainSaveLoad:Save(includeWaterProperties) -- this will save the current terrain -- terrainSaveLoad:Save(true) to set includeWaterProperties to true and vice versa terrainSaveLoad:Load(savedTerrain) -- This will load the savedTerrain
Hope this helped you :D
Some document: