So, when the enemy's health reaches 0, it generates some numbers to decide what to spawn and which. I have 4 of these, which different numbers. The ammo will spawn, way to the side of the map, with nothing there, just fall and delete itself. Is there a different way to move it, because of im pretty sure it's not.
if num2 == 1 then local Pistol = game.Lighting.Ammo.PistolAmmo:Clone() Pistol.Parent = workspace Pistol.Position = end
if num2 == 1 then local Pistol = game.Lighting.Ammo.PistolAmmo:Clone() Pistol.Parent = workspace Pistol.Position =, script.Parent.LowerTorso.Position.Y, script.Parent.LowerTorso.Position.Z) end
make sure its R15 if ur using lower torso, if not, use torso or humanoidrootpart
You can also use
if num2 == 1 then local Pistol = game.Lighting.Ammo.PistolAmmo:Clone() Pistol.Parent = workspace Pistol.Position = script.Parent.LowerTorso.Position end