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Trying to change the property of a object if another object property changes? (SIMPLE)

Asked by 4 years ago

I'm trying to make it so one dice falls if the transparency of the first dice is set to 0.5:

if game.Workspace.dice1.Transparency = 0.5 then game.Workspace.dice2.Anchored = false wait(2) game.Workspace.dice2.Anchored = true end

Then the second script is:

wait(0.5) game.Workspace.dice1.Anchored = false wait(10) game.Workspace.dice1.Anchored = true wait(0.5) game.Workspace.dice1.Transparency = 0.5

Please use code blocks. Also, you didn't tell what was going wrong. Can you please explain that? User#32819 0 — 4y

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